Looking back to the days spent in a southern baptist church.

The sanctuary towers over us, its vaulted ceiling reaching for heaven - still I feel suffocated

My mom smells like hairspray, my dad smells like mouthwash - the scents are forever associated with this place

A sprawling expanse of dull blue carpet - I look down at it often, counting the fibers

I fake a cough so my dad will give me another cough drop - it melts to become sharp, and I use it to stab my tongue

Everyone sings songs they know by heart - I know them too, but I only pretend to sing with them

My dad adds extra note flourishes to the songs - where did he learn those?

I shift in my seat - the pews always make me so sore

I fidget with my skirt - my thighs touch each other under it, and I hate it

My parents next to me both take notes - what is there to take notes about?

The backs of the pews have pockets with bibles and hymnbooks - I want to read a book, but I don't want to read these books

I see my dad tear up - it's the only times besides funerals I ever see him cry

The spotlight on the pool on the stage - this is all for show, isn't it?

I hear whispers all around me - have you heard about Ms Fleming? Did you hear about Mr Curtis?

I doodle on the margins of the pamphlet - demonic creatures dance in my mind, consuming my thoughts entirely

The preacher makes a politically charged joke - the congregation makes a politically charged laugh

Every week they pass a basket and ask for tithes - every week my mom makes me tithe

I don't want to tithe my money - I don't get any allowance

I don't want to sing hymns - their tunes too loud swirl unwanted in my head

I don't want to listen to a sermon - I want to play neopets

I don't want to be baptized - I'm scared of going under water

I don't want to be here - I'm uncomfortable

My parents make me go through with it all anyway.

How do they not care?

I'm an adult now, in control of my own life.

I never have to set foot in there again.

So why do the memories of it haunt me?

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